Saturday, April 04, 2015

simple traveling...

It looks like the posts in Myanmar get written by themselves.... or better, I am really doing nothing special to be honest, but I am seriously enjoying walking around and immersing myself (I am not sure if I can use this sentence!!) in little side roads and in the small dirty corners that I come across and trying yes to fight the hot and extreme temperatures of the central part of the days.
Today I took it very easy switching towns (60km away, 2 and half hours journey!) and spending the night in another riverside town surrounded by a beautiful and scenic landscapes of hills and rocks formations, I am in Hpa-An...
I am not getting any excitment in visiting golden stupas and temples even if they do differ from the wat I have been encountering in Thailand and Laos...I am finding much more enjoyable to slowly and very safely choosing the restaurant or if you want shack serving food on the side of the road...maybe stopping to stare at people's home or just discovering different ways to live life!!
I have just returned from a bar where it was on a european football match and where at least 20 people had gathered to watch was a great picture considering that the least paid player in the field would most likely make in a month what all those people do make in a full year altogether...!!!
Yet they were there, drinking Singha or Chang (Thai beers!!) that are actually much cheaper than in Thailand and cheaper than the local beers and smoking cigarettes (that are actually served when you order something in a set holder cointaining few cigarettes and a lighter and acting as ashtray too!!)
In the meanwhile a young novice monk enters to get his alms (a can of coca cola!!) and four, five geckos run after little flies upside down on the ceiling above our heads and a young lady drives through the floor of the restaurant with her scooter that was parked inside the house...(most of the people here actually live and work in the same building using the front part as shop/business and the back as home!!if they are lucky to have a big enough place!!).
In the restaurant next door, all the waiters wear as uniform the Atletico Madrid football t-shirt, everyone with a different number!!!
I am enjoying also the presence of big water dispenser everywhere, in every shop, outside people's homes and just available to anyone for free!!

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