Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Mingalabar from Myanmar

a gravel road cut through the jungle that google map doesn't recognize, nor have! a 6 km no man's land, a scruffy sandy building as immigration counter and nearly a full day travel between Kanchanaburi (Thailand) and Dawei (Myanmar).
I jumped in a new world, I finally left behind the beautiful and less beautiful Thai girls standing outside gogo bars expecting you to buy a beer from their bar and if you like for little more their body!!
It's left in Thailand also the face of Bhumibol Adulyadej or if you like Rama IX, the longest-serving current head of a state, in this case as king. His image is everywhere: on the side of the road next to his wife, or smiling in a picture on the top of an arch, next to buddha in the minivan or just framed with a pair of binoculars or caressing an elephant or playing saxophone or clarinet in people's home!
I will miss the fresh cut fruit on the side of the road pretty much anywhere and the simple things like the smile of the young man collecting paper, cans, plastic and glass bottles from the, deep and filthy, blue garbage containers.. (he even said "yes" in english when I tried to facilitate his job putting mine directly in his hand cart/pedal tuk tuk!)
I am in a hot and friendly big town in the south of Myanmar and it's all another story now...I feel like I jumped in a Asian Cuba and I love it, I feel like everyone here wants to share positive energies and a warm welcome, I feel like I am not a border away from south east Asia and I sense I am gonna love my next 18 days in the country!!
I had to reward myself with a draft Myanmar beer for 600 kyat (50 eurocents) in a super cool local beer garden, amongst gentlemen in longy (a sheet of cloth worn around the waist) and girls, women and young boys with their face painted in thanaka (a yellowish cosmetic used against acne, sunburns and for cooling) and huge surprised smiles...
On the side of the road young kids raise their hands anytime you meet their sight and when I tell them Mingalabar ("hello" or better "may you be prosperous" in Burmese language) they get excited and they come and shake my hands fearlessly!!
In growns up people's mouth betel nuts (remember my post from Sri Lanka??) making their teeth awful and totally ugly, on the menus pig brain and indian influenced green peas pureed and in the air a peaceful atmosphere...
Some rain might make the town less dusty and less humid soon!!


SamilaJoy said...

Hi Franscesco!
How is Burma? You got an e-mailadress? Got something great to tell you:)
x Joyce

Unknown said...

hey Joyce,

how are you?
no, I haven't got your email address..
I am enjoying Myanmar alot so far thank you..


SamilaJoy said...

Good to hear Myanmar is okay, funny they have never seen curls before!
No I mean what is your e-mailadres, but this way is fine.

I'm doing more than great! Just wanted to tell you that I finally did what I wanted for a long time, I terminated my lease and from of this week I am 'homeless'! Maybe you remember that you said to me 'If you wake up in the morning and you feel happy you know it is good!'. Well everyday I woke up this week feeling just as happy as in Thailand:)
So thank you for this good life lesson!