Thursday, March 12, 2015

same same...but different....

....while I am still trying to figure out why there are so many red flags with the hammer and sickle symbol around the Lao People's Democratic Republic capital Vientiane, I am deciding on taking a vipassana meditation course/retreat sometimes in the next few weeks...
A cold and unusually elegant sleeper night bus took me from the south to the north, to a cloudy and dusty, yet relaxed and town feel city, a friendship's bridge away from Thailand.
A strategic place to acquire visas (I obtained my Myanmar one) or extend the time in the land that was of thousand smiles...
I enjoyed and made myself very busy in this three days in the capital with the help of some fellow travellers and of a convenient 10000 Kip (little bit more than a euro!) per day bycicle hostel fare, appreciating the social Lao time freeing small birds in front of temples and enjoy of good luck (you have to bargain and buy the caged little birds) or on the riverside amongst roller bladers, cyclists, runners, kids playing badmington or colourful old and young ladies in something that could be a zumba and aerobics combination...
It's hard to believe that Laos and Cambodia share a very low economical condition and a very high level of corruption putting them close to be some of the poor and worst countries in the world!
It's hard to believe it, when the young boy that at night is selling you street food, in the early morning is helping his father's boat transfers business, checking his smartphone or when you ask for the price of a coconut on the side of the road and the young girl takes her 10 inches tablet to write the price on the calculator!!!
It's the dry season here, in this part of the world, and it's hot and humid but it's also the wedding season, the celebrations season and everywhere it looks like somebody is getting married and drunk with beers (champagne or bubbles are too expensive, or snob, I guess!!)..

PS: Today I got asked if I was from Pakistan (my curls are getting serious) and when I replied "Italia" the fruit shake lady said "Italia, Australia same same???".....Italia, my left harm opened wide went up, Australia, my right harm opened went down!!!same same.....but different!!!!

buying caged birds to set them free and get luck and happiness....a Lao thing!!

orange t-shirts team and red flags moving at the rhytm of electro music

Vientiane Patuxay Patuxai (Arc de Triomphe)

old lady street pharmacist (or drugs/spice seller)

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