Thursday, March 26, 2015

meditative thoughts...

The most shocking thing was not the nutella jar for the head monk breakfast (with his western name on the label!!), it was not the Chelsea FC logo as background on one of the younger monk's smartphone, most likely it was not the pretended and difficult silence amongst the coming and going travellers, looking for "enlightment", while recovering from a full moon party and planning the next happy shake somewhere in their travels..
It was maybe the resounding noise of the billions of crickets around us, or the abandoned temple in the middle of the forest twenty minutes walking from our spartan accomodation (a 1.8x1.8 metre room, a matting as bedding and that's it! I even had to share it with a very polite and mannered gecko!)...
Most likely was not even the pieces of eternit found around the meditation hall area, or the planes landing and taking off from the 6km away's international airport!!
It could be maybe my slap on the monk's wrist when he mentioned the alps plane crash soon after a poor speech about loving and kindness and at the end of our umpteenth and unsuccessful meditative day...(it's still me, I know!!!!but I couldn't refrain from telling him that he had just brought "death to the room!!!" instead of good news/energies...)
I have obviously and positively managed to learn few things from my 72 hours in the wat (monastery-temple of this side of the world) even though I cannot say I was wordless as I hoped, nor I can say that much of meditation could happen...
I would say there was "some" too much buddhism into the experience or most likely is just the usual expectation that tricks our mind!!
The thing I felt most shocked by was the lights and noises and the pollution and the chaos and the exaggeration of the world outside the wat as soon as I drove out tonight, the world we live in, the only one we know!! Only three days gave me such an impact on the real life we are so accustomed to and as much as I can criticise the methods I see the beauty and the potential...
I wanna sleep on it (on a proper bed!), and maybe after breaking my 24 hours fasting tomorrow I would have a clearer and more accurate opinion...

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