Thursday, February 12, 2015

my philosophical post .... everything is gonna be alright....

Life is a journey, life must have hard times cause without hard times, we cannot expect good times, how unfair would be to wish and pretend just good times!!
I know we live in the era of facebook where you can post what you want, or better what you believe is best to show the world around it reality? doesn't that sound fake? isn't that a bubble?
A must in life is making mistakes, as making mistakes is the direct and best way to learning, it looks like we wanna all be perfect avoiding doing things wrong as we wanna respect a social protocol of behaviours and manners..
I have made my mistakes as we all do, most likely we will realize that we have made a mistake when it's too late, other times we will have the lesson learnt telling us "hey, do you remember? here you go"!!!
We are living beings at the end and sometimes I like to think of us (humans) as plants where "the sun" are the bright times, the good moments that life can give us, a love, a birth, a special occasion and "the water" are the dark sides, the times we cry, a death, a loss or a defeat!!
Not much in nature would survive if one of them is missing....We are all part of this circle and it cannot be manipulated as if we owned super powers!! there are no secrets, no shortcuts!!
Follow your heart, yours only as it is the only thing that is right and we have to respect it, even if our head is not agreeing, because at the end the heart is always right!!!
We strive for perfection, for ambition, for a better job, a better life, a better travel, a better "something", even a better partner, how foulish.... but a better ourself? a better soul?
We need the essential, why don't they teach us the "basics" at school???? .... cause by looking, hoping, searching outside we lose contact with the inside, with what we have and maybe we neglect, I got my lesson too!!! and I should be sorry for myself but I am not, the path of life required it...
That's why I am here, the fase that is watering my soil (soul), so that when sun (.....) will come back (cause it will, I have no doubts!!) the photosyntesis will allow the life to continue his circle...
I am learning to trust the energies, in the last few years life has been also educating me about the flow of energies that surrounds us and most of the time we don't feel, we don't recognise, we miss, cause we don't know, we are totally ignorant about it...
We must be positive all the time, no matter what, wake up in the morning and get up with a wonderful smile on our face, that is always the best thing to do, no matter what (and then some exercises and a good healthy breakfast too...) and stick to it cause at the end don't doubt......."everything is gonna be alright!!!"

hidden in a small side closed street.....

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