Tuesday, February 03, 2015


It's all about believing or better having faith (in today's case)....everyone of us in our life is driven by something that makes our path, that moves our motivations, drives our enthusiasm...something that can be a partner, or a passion, a job or a dream, or for a Tamil the lord Murugan.
Today was for me a very intense and emotional day and also long....alarm rang at 6:30am as I had planned to get a train to Batu caves to assist at the chariots procession that devotees walk and dance from the temple in KL centre to the outskirt of the city where the big statue of lord Murugan stands tall at the entrance of the caves.
This is considered one of the most colourful and extreme celebrations of the indian communities in the world and maybe one of the most unusual too.
I had an idea of what to expect but the reality slapped me stronger than the thought!!
The tradition wants that the devotees have to carry containers with milk on their head or on "kavadi" that can be as high as 1-2 metres and decorated with flowers or peacock feathers for the whole journey of 15km....some of them tend to pierce their cheeks or tongues with skewers or hooks and it gets little nasty for our judgmental eyes.....
There were also hairdresser shaving people's head bald so that could then be painted yellow and blessed...food stalls and an amusement park!!!
The procession goes like in flow of people in trance, others supporting, bands with drums and megaphones arousing and motivating the tired devotees....it was surreal and for a moment I didn't believe I was there, on another I found myself weeping and in another I felt I was lucky to be there to experience it...
I felt there was a message for me too in all that..those people believed truly in what they were doing as weird as it might look or sound and it's amazing to be driven by what you believe or have faith in....and yes I still believe too!!even if I disappear....

hard to believe....

kid joining the celebration and intrigued by my outlook

colours and tradition

crowd and lord Murugan

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