Sunday, March 22, 2015

It's your mind, you can change it..

I found this suggestion painted on the wall of the dormitory of the hostel I stayed in Ventiane, Laos, few weeks a skinny and wise australian monk, living here in Thailand since 30 years, has said the same during an informal meeting that is organised on sundays to answer the questions on buddhism and the enlightened Buddha! He has also been adding though that training the mind is like training a cat, that is to say nearly impossible!!!
I am, at the end, in the part of the world that lives peace and dreams nirvana, in the part of the world where the suffering (dukkha) is accepted as a base of the human existence and where personal, individual growth is rewarded and seen as the only way out of it!
I am not interested in the religious perspective of it, but in the spiritual, maybe!!
I have been approaching this "world" slowly and with silent steps, founding myself engaged by the undeniable karma and by the cynical and cyclical happening of events!!
In a world (from ours and even till this) that falls tempted of attachments and cravings, a world of expectations and a world of addictions that are seen as pleasures and comforts, or even as wellbeing or social status, not recognising them as weaknesses and as a wrong mindset, we need to get some lessons!
A world where what's inside is not as important or required as what's outside!!
If "you" wear pink and yellow today and camouflage tomorrow and all black the day after you are still You, no matter what the rest is thinking about you or how they see you...!
I had already started convincing myself that to get to know myself, to get to understand my weaknesses and my limits I have to dig deeper in my mind and in my soul!
I think I am ready for this step, yes little worried but mostly motivated and challenged to keep my tongue and possibly my thoughts quiet for a couple of days..
I will enter the Wat (temple) in the afternoon tomorrow (monday) and switching off completely for some time, the needed time!

Peace, Love and Travel

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