Costa Rica didn’t really catch us and after a long day travelling we managed to cross the country from east to west, from the Caribbean to the Pacific, from the Jamaican to the American vibe.
Costa Rica that enjoys or, I would say, suffer of a very slow easy-peacy lifestyle, it also has the most expensive standards of life amongst all the countries so far visited.
Organise the expenses is the wisest thing to do to keep it low or at least acceptable, camping and casado (traditional popular national plate, that pretty much looks like most of the traditional popular national plate of the previous countries : rice, salad, beans and chicken or beef!) helped.
Now already Nicaragua, a country very little known and, if possibly, it would be mainly for its past of civil war.
After crossing the busiest, most confusing borded in Central-South America and paying some unexpected fees we headed, with an insane at drive though nice, taxi driver to one of those things that nature has been able to create somehow, someday...
Nicaragua’s Ometepe Island is simply a small formation of two volcanoes in the middle of a lake, something that formed long long time ago..simply a small formation of two volcanoes (one active, one not!!! no comment..) in the middle of a lake..that’s where we will try to camp for the next few days before heading to the Nicaragua’s colonial towns..
Costa Rica che gode o, direi, soffre di uno stile di vita estremamente lento e tranquillizante, ha anche i piu’ cari standard di vita tra i paesi visitati finora.
Organizzare le spese e’ la cosa piu’ saggia da fare per tenersi economici o almeno provarci, accamparsi e casado (tradizionale piatto popolare nazionale che piu’ o meno ricorda la maggior parte dei piatti tradizionali popolari nazionali dei paesi precedenti : riso, insalata, fagioli e pollo o carne) han aiutato.
Ora siamo gia’ in Nicaragua, un paese molto poco conosciuto e, se possibilmente, sarebbe per il suo passato di guerra civile.
Dopo aver passato il piu’ affollato confine dell’America Centro- Meridionale e pagato dei pedaggi inaspettati ci siam diretti con, un insano alla guida seppur simpatico, tassista a una di quelle cose che la natura e’ stata in grado di creare in qualche modo un giorno...
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